Meeting agendas. To see what actually happened at the meeting, see our Minutes.
These are listed in reverse chronological order (newest first)
October 2023
Thursday, Oct 5, 2023
1. Minutes
2. Reports, including police (Greg Weber or another officer), Lakeshore Elementary (Dani Dedman), and Revitalization Corporation (David Barnes)
3. Post-party stuff. It went so darn well!!! I'd like to ask attendees to bring a pen to sign thankyous to the businesses that donated so, so much to the event.
4. Leadership. We need to elect new leaders. I have position descriptions below, and we need volunteers. One of the main tasks in the next year could/should be revising the Bylaws (last revised in 2000), and preparing for a revision to the Neighborhood Plan (due in 2024, previous in 2014). These are not shiny tasks, but important to the future of the organization. We should also throw another party, that was fun.
5. Old business
6. New business.
7. Adjourn.
September 2023
Thursday, September 7, 2023
1. Minutes from August 2023
2. Reports
3. Event planning. The Neighborhood Party is Saturday September 16, from 11am-5pm in Randall Park. I have a tentative timeline, and would like to invite collaboration to help with running the silent auction, and a few other things.
4. Elections for HRPNA are in October. I would like to step down as President, and I hope someone else is ready to step up and provide guidance. We also need to drop some non-attending steering committee members. I have notes on this below.
5. Old business
6. New business
7. Adjourn
August 2023
Thursday August 3, 2023
Minutes from July
Event planning
July 2023
Thursday July 6, 2023
1. Approval of minutes from June.
2. Event planning. We're planning a Neighborhood Party on Saturday, September 16, 2023 in Randall Park, 11am-5pm, rain or shine. We have the permit. We have some food trucks lined up. Our incredible secretary Jes Drew has done amazing work getting donations for a silent auction to help fund the event and our association. Our July meeting's main purpose is additional planning for the event. Jes will lead this part of the discussion.
3. Reports from Committees
4. Adjourn
June 2023
Thursday June 1, 2023
1. Approval of minutes from May meeting
2. Paul Lagerman presents a proposal to use a property as a short term rental: 1005 Second Ave.
3. Old business
a. Status of ARPA funding for ECNA and NA's
b. Event planning
4. Reports.
5. New business
6. Adjourn
May 2023
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Introductions and name tags
Minutes from April. Draft.
Update about the housing project at Grace Lutheran. We last talked about this at the February meeting. February minutes.
Jill Christopherson will talk with us about possible one-time funding for the Eau Claire Neighborhood Associations.
Event planning. Our neighborhood party will be September 16, 2023. We welcome help and donations. This discussion will include possible costs and ways of paying for them.
April 2023
Thursday, April 6, 2023
1. Minutes from March. Draft attached.
2. An update from James Rolbiecki on next stages of development near Hobbes
3. Updates on event planning, based on advancements from the Eau Claire Neighborhood Association (the "association of associations") We're targeting Saturday September 16, 2023 for a neighborhood event.
4. Committee reports
5. Old business
6. New business
March 2023
HRPNA Meeting Agenda
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Will convene 6:30pm at Grace Lutheran Church, in the Memorial Assembly Room. Enter from the Second Ave entrance.
1. Approval of minutes from Feb 2023
2. Discussion of plans for 409-423 Chippewa Street. This will be on the Plan Commission in April and will wait for comments/letter from the Historic Randall Park Neighborhood Association
3. Committee reports as present and needed
4. Old business
5. New business
6. Adjourn
February 2023
HRPNA Meeting Agenda
Thursday, Feburary 2, 2023
First meeting of 2023. Will convene 6:30pm at Grace Lutheran Church, in the Memorial Assembly Room. Enter from the Second Ave entrance.
Approval of Minutes from December 2022
Phil Ruge-Jones leads discussion about upcoming changes at Grace Lutheran Church. In short, “Grace is having conversations with Habitat for Humanity about selling part of our property to be developed into housing for 12 to 14 veterans”
David Solberg, Deputy City Manager, gives overview of 2023 street projects
Committee Reports as Present and Needed
Old Business
Events. Let’s get concrete about an actual neighborhood party to have this summer, and get volunteers to take actions.
New Business
January 2023
no meeting Jan 2023
December 2022
HRPNA Meeting Agenda
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Last meeting of 2022. Will convene 6:30pm at Grace Lutheran Church. Enter from the Second Ave entrance.
This is the first meeting with Silviana Amethyst as President.
Approval of Minutes
Committee Reports as Present and Needed (5 minutes)
Old Business
Gazette distribution
New Business
Committees and planning for 2023
Website maintenance and digital presence